Our expertise lies in our ability to integrate ourselves into real people’s lives to understand their story

Be water

Case Study 2

We were tasked by a duo of slightly eccentric geniuses to push our limits to new depths.

When it came to working with Beta Foils and Wake Thief, our original camera set up and concepts for shooting required a complete overhaul:

“It wasn’t that I wanted to foil surf (free foil). I mean it’s awesome. It’s super fun and I’m so thrilled that I did it, but the reason that I originally got in the water at all was because that was the best place to put the camera.”

The 32 Mile team innovated and adapted. We acquired SCUBA certifications and waterproofed our camera gear.

”Trying to capture material in the water proved to be more difficult than I thought as I lost an iPhone and a couple other pieces of equipment. Being in the water makes filming nearly impossible, unless you’re prepared. Bluetooth doesn’t work underwater so you have to be creative.”

Be Water -

Our first offering, a gift to our friends at Beta Foils. When we first witnessed this sport, we were reminded of a famous quote by Bruce Lee. This is a love letter to the focus and sheer force of will that is required for Free Foiling.

The Island -

Free Foiling is a difficult sport, but the rewards are like nothing else. Here we are reminded of the simple joy of finding “the perfect spot”

How to Knee Start (Dock Launch) -

Our clients approached us with a task: not only to document their sport, but to elevate the quality of their content. Wake Thief is dedicated to making Free Foiling as approachable as possible, with a balance of guides and gear.

Vibram Commercial 1 -

Like any sport, Free Foiling is supported in part by its sponsors. After endless testing of various footwear, Wake Thief fully endorses the superior technology of Vibram. Here we promote the footwear in-situ.

Vibram Commercial 2 -

Ever-striving to push the boundaries of innovation, 32 Mile Productions brought Vibrams into our studio to produce this gorgeous, eclectic loop.

Todd & Devon: A Day in Hague, NY -

Devon is practically one of our neighbors, but when Todd finally visited us from Nova Scotia with new gear to test, we were enthralled. This slice of life gives a glimpse of what it truly means to Free Foil at the highest level.

Jordan Learns to Fly -

One cannot watch the birds all day without wondering, “what about me?”

With a background in skateboarding as well as other extreme sports, Jordan jumped without hesitation at the chance to fly.

Watch the Beta Foils Story Below

(Warning: We dare you to try this at home!)